Thanks I got the password thing sorted. I think I figured out why it did't work for me the first time. I had special characters in the password. The Http commands don't like them.
Also what would be the advantages of Curl of just sending the HTTP get command? That is already inbuilt in Tasker. Adding Curl is an extra program? I don't really know much about curl but I'll have to start looking into it.
Off the bat, I haven't tried the HTTP GET method, but I am using special characters in my server password successfully with CURL. CURL will also let me do SSL, I don't know if the inbuilt Tasker HTTP GET method will.
CURL itself is just a set of binaries, so to install it on android you need to be able to CHMOD the permissions on the files once you copy them to where you're going to "install" them to (I threw them in the locations you'd expect to find them on a standard Linux install).
Edit: Having said all that, since you're using HTTP GET, did you encode the special characters? So that $ would be %24 or @ would be %40?