Integration with Tasker, Android Phone Automation - How To

  • Last Post 02 January 2014
monkey-magic posted this 07 December 2013

Thanks I got the password thing sorted. I think I figured out why it did't work for me the first time. I had special characters in the password. The Http commands don't like them.

Also what would be the advantages of Curl of just sending the HTTP get command? That is already inbuilt in Tasker. Adding Curl is an extra program? I don't really know much about curl but I'll have to start looking into it.


Off the bat, I haven't tried the HTTP GET method, but I am using special characters in my server password successfully with CURL. CURL will also let me do SSL, I don't know if the inbuilt Tasker HTTP GET method will.

CURL itself is just a set of binaries, so to install it on android you need to be able to CHMOD the permissions on the files once you copy them to where you're going to "install" them to (I threw them in the locations you'd expect to find them on a standard Linux install).

Edit: Having said all that, since you're using HTTP GET, did you encode the special characters? So that $ would be %24 or @ would be %40?

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jonfrance posted this 07 December 2013

Very nice Josh, thanks.

I'd tried this with a couple of other Android apps but they were pretty unreliable. Tasker seems to be working well so far, and I like all the options available.

I did have a dumb moment when setting it up and couldn't get it working, but thankfully my brain kicked into gear and I got it solved. Just in case anyone else has this moment too; if you have a server password set you need to add this to the path line:

Path: /zwave/activateSceneGet?SceneName=xxx At Home&password=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

monkey-magic posted this 07 December 2013

Where is the password on the your Server?
I'd like to get password protection there but mine didn't ask for one and it works without one.
I'm pretty sure my Windows user that is logged in is password protected.

thanks Josh

NFOtte posted this 09 December 2013

[quote=monkey magic]Where is the password on the your Server? I'd like to get password protection there but mine didn't ask for one and it works without one. I'm pretty sure my Windows user that is logged in is password protected.

thanks Josh[/quote]

Options>Connection on the server:

NFOtte posted this 09 December 2013

Also, if you have root on your Android device, you can install CURL on your device (there's an android build available here: and then just follow the guide for activating a scene from the command line:

Edit: I run the CURL commands in Tasker as a "Run Shell" task.

monkey-magic posted this 09 December 2013

Thanks I got the password thing sorted. I think I figured out why it did't work for me the first time. I had special characters in the password. The Http commands don't like them.

Also what would be the advantages of Curl of just sending the HTTP get command? That is already inbuilt in Tasker. Adding Curl is an extra program? I don't really know much about curl but I'll have to start looking into it.


monkey-magic posted this 09 December 2013

I now also have voice control using autovoice to control tasker and then tasker to send the http get through to the server. Works quite well so far, just considering buying the full autovoice app.


NFOtte posted this 11 December 2013

Thanks I got the password thing sorted. I think I figured out why it did't work for me the first time. I had special characters in the password. The Http commands don't like them.

Also what would be the advantages of Curl of just sending the HTTP get command? That is already inbuilt in Tasker. Adding Curl is an extra program? I don't really know much about curl but I'll have to start looking into it.


Off the bat, I haven't tried the HTTP GET method, but I am using special characters in my server password successfully with CURL. CURL will also let me do SSL, I don't know if the inbuilt Tasker HTTP GET method will.

CURL itself is just a set of binaries, so to install it on android you need to be able to CHMOD the permissions on the files once you copy them to where you're going to "install" them to (I threw them in the locations you'd expect to find them on a standard Linux install).

Edit: Having said all that, since you're using HTTP GET, did you encode the special characters? So that $ would be %24 or @ would be %40?

monkey-magic posted this 11 December 2013

Edit: Having said all that, since you're using HTTP GET, did you encode the special characters? So that $ would be %24 or @ would be %40?

Thanks mate, I wasn't using special characters. As I said I don't know too much but learning as I go.

This website helps encode/decode to special characters for those interested:


tnamey posted this 02 January 2014

I'm new to using tasker and have been able to get voice control to work fine. I was wondering if there is anyway for tasker to read a sensor or device's status for use with a variable? If not do you think this is something that can be added to the InControl plugin?

monkey-magic posted this 02 January 2014

I'm new to using tasker and have been able to get voice control to work fine. I was wondering if there is anyway for tasker to read a sensor or device's status for use with a variable? If not do you think this is something that can be added to the InControl plugin?

What were you trying to do with the Tasker reading the device status? There is probably a war around reading the status. This how to is a little old now with the plugin. It was written before the plugin came out.


tnamey posted this 02 January 2014

One example would be asking it to "close the garage door" and programming tasker to tell me if it's already closed. Or simply asking it for the status of things. I liked your idea of the Athome virtual device. It would be great, when I set it up, to be able to ask if a specif person is home yet? Things like that. The responses would require alot of time to create but none of it can work without tasker being able to see the status of devices or sensors.

Sorry if I posted this in the wrong place. I'm not great at always posting in the right place.

monkey-magic posted this 02 January 2014

I'll start a new thread in the automation help section, I have a few ideas.

